Thursday, January 7, 2010

Viva Palestina Aid Convoy Arrives in Gaza, George Galloway Describes “Desperate” Situation


Democracy Now!
With Amy Goodman

"A humanitarian aid convoy has arrived in Gaza nearly a month after it embarked from Britain. Members of the Viva Palestina convoy began passing through Egypt’s Rafah border crossing into Gaza on Wednesday. They are expected to spend the next 48 hours distributing the aid supplies. We go to Gaza to speak with British MP George Galloway who led the convoy.....

Members of the Viva Palestina convoy began passing through Egypt’s Rafah border crossing into Gaza on Wednesday. They are expected to spend the next 48 hours distributing the aid supplies.
The convoy was delayed by more than a week following a dispute with the Egyptian government. Hours before the convoy’s entry into Gaza yesterday, an Egyptian soldier was shot dead during a clash with Palestinian protesters who had gathered along the border to protest the delay. At least 35 Palestinians were wounded. On Tuesday, Egyptian forces clashed with members of the Viva Palestina convoy wounding more than 50.

Egypt and Israel have been maintaining a strict blockade on Gaza since 2007, allowing only the most basic supplies to get through. Viva Palestina’s arrival in Gaza comes a year after the three-week Israeli assault that killed over 1,300 Palestinians.

British parliamentarian George Galloway led the Viva Palestina convoy. He joins us now on the telephone from Gaza."

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