Friday, February 19, 2010

6 NATO Soldiers Killed in Single Day of Afghan Assault: NATO


(Cartoon by Carlos Latuff)

"19/02/2010 In a big blow to NATO, Six occupation soldiers killed in one day during the "Mushtarak" assault launched in Marjah in the southern province of Helmand, as a NATO commander said it could be months until the US-led forces could be sure of controlling the area. Two of the six occupation soldiers were British with other unidentified nationalities.....

The commander of NATO forces in southern Afghanistan, Major General Nick Carter, cautioned against "triumphalism" in Marjah, and said it could be months until the US-led forces could be sure of controlling the area.

The troops engaged in Operation Mushtarak (Together) would need another 25 to 30 days just to secure the Taliban stronghold, said Carter. "In three months' time or thereabouts we should have a pretty fair idea about whether we've been successful. But I would be very cautious about any triumphalism just yet," he said......"

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