Saturday, February 20, 2010

Gaza: Treading on Shards

By Sara Roy
The Nation

""Do you know what it's like living in Gaza?" a friend of mine asked. "It is like walking on broken glass tearing at your feet.".....

The people of Gaza know they have been abandoned. Some told me the only time they felt hope was when they were being bombed, because at least then the world was paying attention. Gaza is now a place where poverty masquerades as livelihood and charity as business. Yet, despite attempts by Israel and the West to caricature Gaza as a terrorist haven, Gazans still resist. Perhaps what they resist most is surrender: not to Israel, not to Hamas, but to hate. So many people still speak of peace, of wanting to resolve the conflict and live a normal life. Yet, in Gaza today, this is not a reason for optimism but despair. "

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