Monday, February 15, 2010

It's about time this silly game stops

I'm just trying to draw my co-bloggers' attention, in case it escaped them, to an insidious game of deception and make believe in the comments section. Some sick Zionist(in disguise) who signs under MANY nics (outrages boy, overwhelming rage, guest etc.) and with whom I'm very familiar (from other blogs) is busy at work trying to drive wedges between people on the same side, our side..It amuses me to observe that this silly boy(sic) allegedly outraged, thinks he can go on unchecked, but it doesn't amuse me anymore when I see that nothing is done about it and he's offered, still, a free ride. What finally decided me to write this post is a comment Yasmin left in which she attributed her giving up on writing an expected rebuttal, to the fact that a comment this disingenuous, pathologically dishonest regular commenter posted which she mistook for a genuine opinion.
My view, for what it's worth, is that it's about time this parasite is stopped in his track and flushed away, especially considering that his contributions amount to a zero sum..
Update:As it seems "Egypt sucks" is not that disingenuous "Overwhelming rage" character ...Mea culpa and sincere apologies, but if you guys do not want to be mistaken one for the other, is it possible to chose one pseudo and stick to it? What on earth could justify this incessant game of changing nics every day if you're an honest, genuine and well intended commenter?

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