Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Mishaal: Washington strives to abort Palestinian reconciliation. What a Genius! What Would We Do Without Him!

"MOSCOW, (PIC)-- Khaled Mishaal, the head of Hamas's political bureau, has accused the United States of trying to foil Palestinian efforts to achieve the national reconciliation [is that a major discovery, Mr. Politburo Chief?]by pressuring Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas not to go ahead with it.

In a press conference he held after meeting Sergey Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, in Moscow on Monday, Mishaal reaffirmed Hamas's readiness to sign the reconciliation paper if its reservations on it were taken into consideration.

He also welcomed any Russian or international role to back the Egyptian efforts in this regard in order to end the Palestinian political rift [this is so pathetic to warrant much comment. I suggest that Mishaal should see if the Dalai Lama would be willing to mediate and help with Palestinian "reconciliation."]....."

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