Friday, February 19, 2010

Mossad, an Israeli chutzpah

A Very Good Piece

By Marwan Bishara

"As the storm over the assassination of Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Mabhouh picks up momentum, I am not buying into the whole business of lack of competence and ambiguity.

I don't think the Israeli spy/killing agency - the Mossad is that sloppy, or Israel that lax.....

Nor do I buy the theory that a less competent foreign agency or group has carried out the operation in a way that implicates Israel. That's just adding insult to insolence.

Generally, assassinations carry double meanings. The first is answered by 'why' and the second 'how'.....

So why did they carry it as unmistaken murder, instead of say, causing heart failure; or suspected suicide; or leave him in a scandalous situation that make it hard to publicise?

Why would they send 11 or perhaps 17 different individuals carrying forged passports when in past assassination attempts they used far fewer?

Why did they have to look so amateurish with their faces on camera, and their moves so suspect?....

And it never made any apologies for it. It has always put its security priorities above all others, friends and foes alike.

For Israeli leaders, Israel will do what Israel must, and the world can talk as much as it wants. Its motto: if you can’t be conveniently famous, then be abrasively infamous........

Israel doesn't think linearly in terms of actions and reactions, but rather strategically and systematically. Its objectives and actions, means and missions, work within a certain broad strategy......

If these countries are true partners in the 'war against the terrorists', then Israel expects them to cooperate not conspire. You're either with Israel or with the 'terrorist'!

This operation is a continuation of the same logic behind other recent assassinations, including killing Hezbollah leader Imad Moghaniyyeh, which aims at all the links between Hamas, Hezbollah and their regional allies.....

Why, the Israelis argue, is it permissible for the US to carry extra-judicial killings of its enemies' leaders in Pakistan, Iraq, or Yemen using drones and other means, but not for Israel?......"

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