Monday, February 15, 2010

New: Palestinian Authority-controlled "Palestine Network" hand picked "grassroots" participants

By Ali Abunimah

"My back and forth exchange with the Palestinian Authority-controlled "Palestine Network" continues. Ms. Fatima AbdelKarim, on behalf of the Palestine Network Secretariat in Israeli-occupied Ramallah, has answered a blog post I wrote yesterday entitled "Abbas-backed "Palestine Network" responds to my comments; here's my reaction and their unpublished 'concept paper.'"

In her latest response, Ms. AbdelKarim asserts that:

there are nearly 100 founders of the Palestine Network, who will all convene in Bethlehem less than 10 days from today! These founders are anonymous to you, but they are well known, respected, and well established in their professions and intellect and are living in over 20 countries. Those anonymous to you, have constructed the concept note of the Palestine Network that you posted again...

It is baffling why the Palestine Network continues to be so shy and embarrassed about its direct links with the Ramallah Palestinian Authority (PA) and the fact that is effectively conceived, controlled and financed by them. The Palestine Network's final draft concept paper which I published on this blog yesterday states, for example, "The Palestine Network is the idea of active Palestinians (locals and expatriates), friends of Palestine and members of the Palestinian leadership(italic in original)... ."

But earlier drafts reveal even more about the Palestinian Authority's direct control of this initiative. Draft 7 of the concept note (which I publish for the first time at the bottom of this blog post) reveals that -- in addition to close Abbas associates Rafiq al-Husseini, Ramzi Khoury and Issa Kassisieh -- Dr. Ghassan Khatib is one of the members of the "official committee to see the realization of this project." Khatib's current job is as head of the Ramallah Palestinian Authority's "Government Press Office" and he appears frequently in the media defending the PA.

Draft 7 also reveals that far from being a grassroots effort, the Palestine Network has been entirely controlled and organized by the "official committee" and its secretariat. The tasks they set themselves included:

Establishing a list of interested community leaders who want to build chapters of the network in their communities and who will be the founding members of the network.
Setting up MODEL CHAPTERS in several regions of the world that will play the role of founding members and help launch the network......"

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