Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The PA and that sex scandal. Could it be a Netanyahu stink bomb under Abbas' chair?

Uri Avenery thinks YES.
(A MUST read article)

"This week the Netanyahu government let off a stink bomb under the chair of Mahmoud Abbas.

For months now, Abbas has angered the prime minister. He has refused to start "peace negotiations" while the settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem are continually expanding.

Everyone knows that the proposed negotiations are meaningless and will lead nowhere. Binyamin Netanyahu needs them to deflect American pressure. Barack Obama needs them to show some achievement, tiny as it may be. But Abbas knows that his acquiescence would help Hamas to present him as a collaborator.

Now Netanyahu has decided to teach Abbas a lesson. For three days, day after day and program after program, Channel 10 (Israel’s second biggest TV station) has broadcast shocking "disclosures" about financial and sexual scandals at the top of the Palestinian Authority."

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