Thursday, February 11, 2010

PA issues arrest warrant for Shabaneh. Is This A Clash Among Collaborators? Off With His Head;The Mafia Rules Were Ignored!

Comes after former anti-corruption official's ultimatum to clean up ranks.

The Jerusalem Post

"The Palestinian Authority on Wednesday accused former intelligence official Fahmi Shabaneh of “collaboration” [Only Abbas, Dahlan and Fayyad can legally collaborate?]with Israel and issued a warrant for his arrest.

Shabaneh, who was in charge of the anti-corruption unit in the Palestinian General Intelligence Service, was forced to quit his job after revealing dozens of cases of financial, administrative and sexual corruption among PA President Mahmoud Abbas’s inner circle.

In an exclusive interview with The Jerusalem Post two weeks ago, Shabaneh, 49, who lives in Jerusalem, accused Abbas of failing to act against senior PA and Fatah officials allegedly involved in the theft of public funds and in sex scandals.....

In an attempt to silence Shabaneh, the PA on Wednesday issued the arrest warrant against him, for “spreading lies and fabrications” about the PA leadership, selling lands to Jews, attempted murder and “harming Palestine’s prestige and national sentiments.” [For those crimes Abbas should face a firing squad, if tried and convicted!]

The warrant was signed by PA Prosecutor-General Ahmed Mughni, who also accused Shabaneh of attempted “blackmail.”

The arrest warrant is only effective in PA-controlled territories and does not apply to Jerusalem, where Shabaneh, who holds an Israeli ID card, lives with his wife and five children."

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