Thursday, February 25, 2010

A Pathetic Response by the Mouthpiece of the Collaborationist and Traitorous PA to Jesse Rosenfeld’s Comment, Posted Here (2/23).

Palestine's strongest weapon is peace

We cannot pretend occupation doesn't exist, but we can continue to build the institutions of state without violence

Ghassan Khatib
(director of government media for the Palestinian Authority), Thursday 25 February 2010

"....The question is the choice of weapons. In the view of the Palestinian Authority and of the majority of Palestinians, the weapon of choice is to build the institutions of our state while using all legal and peaceful means to end the occupation.....

But more serious than Rosenfeld's one-sided reporting is his underlying assumption that the lives and prospects of Palestinians would be improved by pretending the occupation does not exist. If our [Dayton-supplied and trained] security forces were to cease policing our streets, providing our own people with improved law and order, the result would be the re-imposition of total Israeli control –[so, we are doing the job for the IOF; we are the surrogate occupiers!] the opposite of ending the occupation......

Rosenfeld fails to understand that the approach he advocates is exactly what the Israeli government wants. It understands that the biggest threat to its occupation of our territory is the universal international support for a Palestinian state [a state of mind?]. And we understand that this is our strongest weapon."

Jesse Rosenfeld's comment was posted here:

How the PA helps Israel occupy

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