Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Peres: Fayyad – Palestinians' 1st 'Ben-Gurionist'

In Herzliya conference address, president lauds Palestinian prime minister for his efforts to establish state, slams those calling for bi-national state. 'There is no country that can hold two nations,' he says


"Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad has been compared to David Ben-Gurion more than once due to his pragmatic policy, which has been manifested in his plan to establish a Palestinian state within two years. On Tuesday night, Fayyad was almost officially recognized as the "Israeli Ben-Gurion" by one of the closest people to the first Israeli prime minister who is still alive – President Shimon Peres.

"Fayyad is the Palestinians first Ben-Gurionist," the president told the Herzliya Conference, praising the Palestinian prime minister for his efforts to establish a Palestinian state and advance peace. Fayyad was expected to address the conference later Tuesday......"

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