Saturday, February 6, 2010

Syria Says 'Ready for Peace, but Also for War'


"06/02/2010 Syria believes that the recent threats directed by Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman against the regime in Damascus reflects the Israeli government's intention to wage new wars in the Middle East, an editorial published by the official Tishreen newspaper on Saturday.

According to the Syrian regime's mouthpiece, "Israel thought it could wage wars and not suffer the consequences – but it was wrong. It (Israel) tested the patience of Syria and the Arab and Islamic nations – and it turned out that this patience has its limits. Israel is testing Syria's determination to return its conquered land by all the legitimate means at its disposal."[Any day now? Or as the regime has been saying for the past 37 years, "at the right time and place?"]

"The path to peace is open and its conditions are known, but the path of destruction can also open the moment Israel complies with the aggressive tendencies of leaders who have crime running in their veins and their way is the way of the mafia," the editorial read......"

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