Sunday, February 28, 2010

U.S. warns Syria: Stop arming Hezbollah immediately


(Left: Jeffrey Feltman)

"The U.S. administration has asked Syrian President Bashar Assad to immediately stop transferring arms to Hezbollah. American officials made the request during a meeting Friday with the Syrian ambassador to Washington.

Meanwhile, the United States asked both Syria and Israel to lower the temperature and avoid an escalation in the region.

The decision to call Syrian Ambassador Imad Moustapha to the State Department was relatively unusual. In a statement, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffrey Feltman [former, detested, US ambassador to Lebanon and a known pro-Israel Zionist] asked the Syrian ambassador to meet.

The move was described as an opportunity to discuss the next steps following the visit to Damascus by Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs William Burns on February 17.

The administration also said the meeting was part of its efforts to achieve a direct dialogue with Syria on issues of interest to both sides.

Haaretz has learned that Burns' visit to Damascus ended unsatisfactorily for the U.S. administration. During Burns' meeting with Assad, the Syrian leader denied all American claims that his regime was providing military aid to terrorists in Iraq, or to Hezbollah and Palestinian terror groups. Assad essentially told Burns that he had no idea what the American was talking about......"

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