Tuesday, March 9, 2010


"In case any of my readers have any doubts as to the type of people that are settling into Palestinian OWNED homes in Sheikh Jarrah, the following should clarify the matter.

These illegal settlers are truly among the lowest forms of life as we know it.

These are not ordinary people, they are inflicted with a deadly virus known as zionism. To date, there is no known cure.

Sheikh Jarrah Jews praise terrorist Baruch Goldstein on Purim
A video obtained by Ynet depicts Jewish residents of east Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood during their Purim celebrations singing songs of praise for Baruch Goldstein, a Jewish terrorist who murdered 29 Palestinians 16 years ago at the Cave of the Patriarchs.

The video was filmed this past Monday, and shows residents singing and dancing next to their Arab neighbors: “Dr. Goldstein, there is none other like you in the world. Dr. Goldstein, we all love you… he aimed at terrorists’ heads, squeezed the trigger hard, and shot bullets, and shot, and shot.”

One of the leaders of the leftist campaign in the neighborhood, Assaf Sharon, described to Ynet: “The settlers are allowed to hold political activities and aggravating and offensive as could possibly be, and the neighborhood’s original residents, who are still a majority there, are not allowed to do a thing. We saw them enter a house, have a party, and play very loud music.

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