Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Drill (as in electric drill) Team Leader Speaks.....From Tehran!

Sadr urges Iraqi voters to pave way for US pull-out

"Iraq's senior Shia leader Muqtada al-Sadr urges the Iraqi electorate to help end the US-led occupation of the country by participating in the parliamentary polls.

Speaking at a Saturday press conference in the Iranian capital, Tehran [Make sure that he is on a short leash, and keep him there!], al-Sadr drew a parallel between participation in the Sunday vote and resistance against the invaders [What a revolutionary leader! What Vision! What an Ayatollah in the making!].

More than 6,200 candidates from six major coalitions and several other tribal and minority groups are vying for the 325 seats in the Council of Representatives.

The senior Iraqi cleric called on the Iraqis to opt for the candidates who would best serve the nation and work for Iraq's liberation.

Al-Sadr also warned that any interference by the United States will be unacceptable......"

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