Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Egyptian opposition grows against government's Gaza barrier

CAIRO (IPS) - Activists and opposition groups are stepping up pressure on the Egyptian government to stop constructing a barrier along the border with the Gaza Strip. Officials say the barrier will prevent cross-border smuggling, but critics say it will seal the fate of the people on the Gaza Strip.

"The Egyptian border was the only opening left to the Gazans -- their only means of staying alive," Gamal Fahmi, political analyst and managing editor of opposition weekly al-Arabi al-Nassiri, told IPS.

On 13 February, hundreds of activists from across the political spectrum convened in downtown Cairo to protest construction of the barrier. Demonstrators held banners reading: "The wall of shame must come down" and "No to sponsoring Israeli crimes." The same day also saw anti-wall demonstrations in Lebanese capital Beirut.

Ever since news of the barrier was first reported by Israeli daily Haaretz late last year, officials have attempted to justify it by citing Egypt's right to protect its national sovereignty and security.
Electronic Intifada

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