Wednesday, March 10, 2010

European group may probe Israel decision to indict Arab MK who protested the wall

The Inter-Parliamentary Union is considering sending representatives to oversee the legal proceedings against Hadash chairman Mohammed Barakeh, charged with assaulting a police officer during an anti-separation fence rally in the West Bank.
In November, then Attorney General Menachem Mazuz decided to indict Barakeh for allegedly attacking a policeman during a demonstration at the West Bank separation fence.
Barakeh allegedly assaulted a member of the Israel Prisons Service's elite Masada unit at a protest in the West Bank village of Bi'ilin in 2005.
The policeman was taking a detainee to a police car at the time of the alleged assault.
Mazuz was also considering including on the charge sheet the crimes of offending a public servant and issuing threats, offenses which Barakeh is alleged to have committed at two other demonstrations.
They're right in being suspicious of the legality of the proceedings. The Israeli judicial system is famous for being an instrument used to enforce the illegal occupation and the Apartheid system..

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