Tuesday, March 16, 2010

It's not only land theft and ethnic cleansing. It's memoricide, urbicide and ultimately genocide

(Maqam (mausoleum) Abu Hurayra, described as "one of the finest domed mausoleums in Palestine", in Ybna now Yevnah. Since the 12th century, it has been known as a tomb of Abu Hurairah, a companion (sahaba) of the Prophet. Destroyed.)

When we know that 460 mosques and other places of worship were wiped out off the map or converted into facilities for other purposes since 1948, Palestinians have every reason to fear the worst for the Al Aqsa mosque..The Zionists' history in Palestine is not only about land theft and ethnic cleansing, it's also about memoricide, urbicide and ultimately genocide
Here is a non exhaustive list of 87 Mosques demolished or/and converted into other facilities( sheep enclosures, storehouses,museums, restaurants and bars, office blocks, gambling joints and also synagogues)

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