Saturday, March 6, 2010

Once again, the PA is betraying our people

By Khalid Amayreh

(Click on cartoon by Khalil Bendib to enlarge)

"....So, why is the scandalous deception and the sanctimonious self-righteousness. The PA has been up to its ears in the promiscuous collaborative relations with Israel which has never stopped murdering our children and women and stealing our land while the Abbas leadership is singing the songs of peace and romantic engagement with a nefarious regime at the helm of which stands some of the most cruel and racist war criminals in history, such as Netanyahu, Barak, Lieberman and Peres.

The PA is also using Arab backing of indirect talks with Israel as a pretext to commit political adultery by reneging on and retreating from erstwhile commitments to refrain from rejoining futile talks with Israel while the settlement aggrandizement scheme persisted unabated.

We all know that the Arab league is mostly made up of either dynastic sheikhdoms guarded and controlled by the CIA or tyrannical authoritarian regimes that deny their own people basic human rights and civil liberties. Hence, it would be more than naïve to expect these despotic regimes to play a truly constructive role in promoting the Palestinian cause.

Needless to say, regimes that can’t do any good to their own masses can’t really be entrusted with helping the Palestinian cause. Besides, haven’t we had enough experience with the Arab league, a rotten body that should have been buried in the graveyard of history a long time ago?

Abbas is most likely to argue that he can’t remain outside Arab consensus as if Arab consensus were more important than safeguarding inalienable Arab and Muslim rights which are coming under attack especially in Jerusalem where Zionist Jews are trying, nearly on a daily basis, to arrogate a foothold at the Aqsa Mosque, Islam’s third holiest shrine.

In fact, using "Arab consensus" as a pretext to make concessions to the Nazi-like Israeli regime is a dangerous precedent.

For those who still don’t know, the entire Palestinian cause means virtually nothing to certain Arab regimes, whose paramount goal and ultimate strategy doesn’t go beyond staying in power for as long as they shall live. The rest is just political hanky-panky......"

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