Sunday, March 7, 2010

The real Ajami

(This post is dedicated to you Tony}

Al Jazeera reports from Ajami, the location of the Oscar-nominated film of the same name.

And from Haaretz:
A day before a film about crime and tension in Jaffa will compete for an Academy Award, protestors took to the streets to denounce what they see as increased police violence in Jaffa.
“We are calling out, together, against violence – violence from the police,” said Gabi Abad, head of the Arab Jaffa organization.
“The body that is supposed to protect us is attacking us… We tell the police – we are against violence, especially against the innocent,” he added.The Israeli movie “Ajami,” about strife between Jaffa’s Muslim and Christian Arabs, is up for an Oscar for best foreign film.
Hundreds of demonstrators marched through Jaffa from the central square toward the police department. Among the demonstrators were family members of “Ajami” co-director Scandar Copti. Copti’s mother, Mary, on Saturday demonstrated outside Jaffa’s police station......

And here from Mondoweiss:
Israel’s ’sensitive artist narrative’ just might implode at the Oscars tonight!

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