Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Russia’s Metro Bombings

Monsters from the American id?

Another Provocative Piece
by Justin Raimondo, March 31, 2010

"Those behind the bombing in Moscow’s Metro system, which took 39 lives – and shook the building that houses Russia’s Federal Security Bureau (FSB) – must be "scraped from the bottom of the sewers" and exposed, said Vladimir Putin. But what if that particular sewer leads all the way back to Washington and London?......

No one is saying the CIA and MI6 are behind the Metro bombings: what is likely, however, is that both have been deeply involved at some point in encouraging the Chechens and even providing them with some material aid. Certainly the anti-Russian rhetoric that was a staple of the Bush era did much to bolster the Chechen cause – and surely the British government’s policy of welcoming Chechen terrorists, and giving the pro-terrorist Chechen "government in exile" sanctuary, ought to focus attention on Britain’s possible involvement in the insurgency. Just as Putin turned over the task of stabilizing the region to local Chechen authorities, and closed his eyes to the brutality of their counterinsurgency campaign, so the West may very well have had a hand in creating a blunt instrument that subsequently veered out of their direct control.

Osama bin Laden, you’ll recall, was once a US ally, whose jihad in Afghanistan threw the Russians out and gave birth to Al-Qaeda. No doubt there are other such dubious "allies" roaming the earth, monsters from the American Id unleashed on an unsuspecting world. The Western connection to the Chechen insurgency is, perhaps, what needs to be "scraped from the bottom of the sewer," as Putin put it, and exposed. "

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