Thursday, March 18, 2010

Saudi Arrested in South for Collaborating with Israel


"18/03/2010 The Lebanese daily Annahar reported Thursday that a police unit in the southern town of Marje’youn had arrested Saudi national Jawad Bin Fahed Al-Issa for collaborating with Israel. According to Annahar, the police patrol was on the main road in the town, adjacent to the barbwire separating Lebanon from occupied Palestine, when officers noticed a man hiding behind a rock on the Lebanese side and talking to an Israeli occupation patrol commander on the Palestinian side. The report added that once the man spotted the Lebanese patrol, he took off to the other side as Israeli soldiers were facilitating his access. However, the daily said, Lebanese patrol members managed to arrest him after he destroyed his mobile phone and some of his personal belongings.
Preliminary investigation results showed that the Saudi man had came from Jordan a week ago...."

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