Sunday, March 7, 2010

Specter of new Intifada hovers over West Bank

From Khalid Amayreh in occupied Jerusalem

"An intifada-like atmosphere is gradually descending on the West Bank as the hawkish Israeli government headed by Benyamin Netanyahu continued to provoke Palestinians and Muslims in general by encroaching on the Aqsa Mosque.

On Friday, 5 March, Muslims in Amman, Jerusalem and several other Palestinian towns demonstrated in protest against a recent Israeli decision to consider two important Muslim shrines in the West Bank as part of a "Jewish heritage list."

In East Jerusalem, known as al-Quds al Sharif or Noble Jerusalem, Israeli occupation troops fired rubber-coated bullets and stun grenades at protesters following the Friday prayers at the Aqsa Mosque.....

The latest trouble in the occupied territories comes as Israel continues to narrow Palestinians’ horizons in East Jerusalem and as Jewish settlement expansion continues unabated.

Palestinian leaders from across the political and ideological spectrum are increasingly of the opinion that a Third Intifada may well be in the offing....."

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