Monday, March 29, 2010

Who Is Iyad Allawi?

Nobody you'd want to know

by Justin Raimondo, March 29, 2010

".......Today the same centrifugal forces that threatened to rip apart the country in the wake of Saddam’s defeat are stretching the national fabric to the breaking point: the country has become a battlefield between the US and Iran, in a war that hasn’t quite yet reached the shooting stage. With the Iranians backing Maliki, there can be little doubt the Americans provided the Allawi forces with substantial aid, as they have in the past.

The Iranian-backed Maliki government – whose installation, in another one of those dark ironies of the invasion, was due to US force of arms – has done everything it can to neutralize the Allawi coalition’s razor-thin margin of victory, such as arresting successful candidates, etc. However, the Allawi-ites are no angels, as their leader’s personal history illustrates. In the end, one has to ask: is this what all those people died for – so that a thug not named Saddam Hussein could place his boot on the throats of the Iraqi people?

"His strongest virtue is that he’s a thug" says neocon (and ex-CIA analyst) Reuel Marc Gerecht, and Obama’s CIA apparently agrees. If Gerecht and his friends had had their way, Iraq would have been handed over to Chalabi long ago, but Allawi will do. This way both the neocons and the Obama-ites can claim the "credit" for yet another US "victory" – one that old King Pyrrhus would surely recognize."

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