Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Zionist Definition of Religious Tolerance: If it’s not Jewish, either we Judaize it or we Destroy it!

Today, Sunday 28.02.2010, and after several calls from Zionist organizations, tens of Zionist fanatics marched into the Noble Sanctuary area under the protection of the Israeli police. Their declared intention was to storm Al-Aqsa Mosque today and tomorrow and to celebrate the Purim feast on its grounds. Some Palestinian worshippers spent the night at the mosque, hundreds others were prevented from entering the city. After the Israeli police stormed the mosque and attacked the worshippers inside, clashes erupted and several Palestinians were injured and others arrested. This is not the first time Zionist fanatics storm Al-Aqsa to perform Jewish rituals in it, but this time it comes after the decision of the Zionist entity to add the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron and the Bilal Bin Rabah Mosque in Bethlehem to its list of "Jewish Heritage sites". Zionist organizations have commended Netanyahu on his decision regarding the Ibrahimi and Bilal Mosques and demanded he add Al-Aqsa to the list as well. "The Movement to Rebuild the Holy Temple" is reported to have said in a letter addressed to Netanyahu that the "Temple Mount" should be added to the list since it is the number one Jewish heritage site, the most important religious site and is the basis of their existence. In fact, several sources reported the last couple of days that the Zionist entity seeks to add 150 more Palestinian sites to the mentioned list. These include Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. According to the "Christian-Muslim Committee for the Support of Jerusalem and Holy Sites" the list is linked to the office of Netanyahu and is "a serious political statement and a declaration of war on holy sites, heritage and history, in order to Judaize shrines after the land, and to obliterate the Arab Islamic identity."

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