Sunday, April 25, 2010

3D Hamas Video Shows Shalit in Captivity as Father Ages


"25/04/2010 The Ezzeddine al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas's military wing, published Sunday a computer animated video entitled "The Sentiment in the Zionist Society regarding Shalit," threatening that captured Israeli occupation soldier Gilad Shalit will share the same fate as Ron Arad should not progress be made in talks. Arad is an Israeli pilot who went missing when he flew a mission over southern Lebanon in 1986.

The three-minute three-dimensional cartoon depicts the father of captured soldier Gilad Shalit visibly aging as he walks through empty city streets in another 20 years past billboards of former and future Israeli leaders vowing to free his son.

In the end the occupation soldier is shown returned in a flag-draped coffin as part of a prisoner exchange, just before his father, Noam Shalit, wakes up from the dream and realizes there is still time to bring his son back alive.

"We are addressing Zionist society and not its leadership and elected officials, who don't see anything outside their personal interests and therefore are holding up the prisoner swap deal. The option still exists that we will reach an agreement in which Shalit will be released in exchange for Palestinian prisoners," explained Hamas officials.

They added a threat to their message: "If the enemy continues its stubbornness, it will be sorry. But the regret will not have any significance. Shalit will not see the light of day until your government pays the price. If it rejects the conditions we have stipulated, you will have to pay a much higher price."

Hamas members clarified towards the end of the video that they intend to invest efforts in capturing additional Israelis, and threatened to do so on a much wider scale than has been seen thus far. "The organization will continue its activities to get its hands on more of Shalit's friends – so many that the Zionist government will be forced to establish a new government ministry for addressing Zionist soldiers and captives," they said in the video.

"If Zionist society wants Shalit to be returned safely, its government must pay the price by releasing Palestinian detainees," they added.

Noam Shalit is seen in the animated clip walking towards this fictitious "prisoner affairs ministry."...."

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