Friday, April 9, 2010

ElBaradei can inspire change in Egypt

The 6 April clashes in Cairo show Mubarak's vulnerability, and ElBaradei's celebrity clout can help those below take advantage

Jack Shenker, Thursday 8 April 2010

" He looked to be in his early 20s. With his shirt ripped open and blood trickling down one side of his face, it took all the energy he could muster to momentarily writhe free of the six thugs dragging him off to a police truck and issue a final, desperate appeal to the stunned tourists watching from the other side of the street.

"This is the real Egypt!" he yelled as the plainclothed security forces hauled him back down to the ground. "Go back and tell your countries what democracy in Egypt really looks like!"

I don't yet know his name, though it can be found somewhere on the list of 92 detainees locked up by the Egyptian state on Tuesday for having the temerity to stand outside parliament and peacefully call for free and fair elections and an end to arbitrary emergency rule....."

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