Wednesday, April 7, 2010

IFJ demands investigation into killing of Reuters media pair

"The International Federation of Journalists has called on President Barack Obama to open a fresh investigation into the actions of the US army, which has been implicated in killings of journalists in Iraq.

This follows the release of a shocking video film - which can be seen here - of a 2007 helicopter gunship attack on civilians, including two media staff.

"This is evidence of calculated, cold-blooded and horrifying violence," said Jim Boumelha, IFJ's president. "The United States cannot ignore this atrocity and the killings of unarmed civilians. We insist on a completely new review of these and all the killings of journalists and media staff in the Iraq conflict."

The incident was filmed from an Apache helicopter by soldiers and shows an attack carried out in the Iraqi suburb of New Baghdad in July 2007.

Reuters has been trying unsuccessfully to obtain the video through the Freedom of Information Act because two of its employees - photographer Namir Noor-Eldeen and driver Saeed Chmagh – were among the victims.

The controversial film was released by Wikileaks and reignites the controversy over US army attacks on journalists during the conflict, which were highlighted on 8 April 2003 when three journalists were killed after US forces fired on Baghdad's Palestine Hotel, killing two journalists."

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