Friday, April 9, 2010

Once-Banned Muslim Scholar Tariq Ramadan On His First Visit to U.S. in Six Years, President Obama and Why Muslims Should Make Their Voices Heard

Democracy Now!
With Amy Goodman

"We speak with leading Muslim scholar Tariq Ramadan, who was banned from entering the United States for six years. In 2004, Ramadan had accepted a job to become a tenured professor at the University of Notre Dame but nine days before he was set to arrive, the Bush administration revoked his visa invoking a provision of the Patriot Act. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lifted the travel ban earlier this year. This week, he arrived in New York for the first time since 2004. Tariq Ramadan joins us in our studio to talk about the ban, his thoughts on President Obama, the importance for Muslims to make their voices heard and much more....."

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