Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Palestine's first independent think tank launched

Press release, Al-Shabaka, 19 April 2010

"Last week, Al-Shabaka, The Palestinian Policy Network, was launched (http://www.al-shabaka.org/). Al-Shabaka, which means "The Network," is the first independent strategy and policy-related think tank for Palestinians and by Palestinians. A think tank without borders or walls, Al-Shabaka draws on and benefits from the diverse experiences of Palestinians from around the world. Its vision and principles are guided by Palestinian Civil Society's 2005 Call for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS).

Al-Shabaka's goal is to create a vibrant forum for Palestinian policy and strategy development and analysis. It currently boasts 35 policy advisors from the Middle East, the United States, Canada and Europe. The network of policy advisors, who are established scholars and writers, will be expanded on an ad hoc basis over the next six months. In addition, Al-Shabaka will begin accepting as members Palestinians who are committed to its vision and principles and who wish to participate in the network....."

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