Friday, April 30, 2010

Pro-Israel group monitoring, intimidating Columbia faculty

(Click on mural to enlarge)

Jared Malsin, The Electronic Intifada, 30 April 2010

"In the summer of 2000, preeminent scholar Edward Said sparked what became conventionally known as a "controversy" when he was photographed hurling a small stone into the no-man's land between Lebanon and Israel....

In 2002, a year before Said's death, in the aftermath of the 11 September 2001 attacks in the US, as the second Palestinian intifada raged and the US prepared to go to war on Iraq, Campus Watch was founded. Said died in 2003, before the release of Columbia Unbecoming. "Within a year of [Said's] death the attacks quadrupled," Massad remembered.

Then as now, Massad says his own critics have overstated their case.

"They thought when Edward died that they had gotten rid of him. So they tried to do the impossible to make sure I could not stay here, and they couldn't. And so their failure was total. They went berserk."

"It's an inability to realize that they've lost the war.""

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