Sunday, April 18, 2010

Remember Qana...Israel’s Turning Point?


"18/04/2010 They could have been fathers and mothers today telling their children the stories of what’s right and what’s wrong.
They could have been grandmothers and grandfathers.
They could have been young men and women full of life and working on their future.

106 people could have been anything other than mere remains and anyplace other than under the ground of Qana.

14 years ago, Qana was the scene of an obscene massacre caused by one of Israel’s “Grapes of Wrath.”

Few know that the name the Grapes of Wrath has religious implications. Israeli Rabbi Moshe Cohen explained that the word "grapes" came from the fact that grapes occupied the first position among the seven fruits mentioned in the Talmud, which means that the "grapes of wrath" means anger of the Jewish people.

Israel had bombed the UNIFIL headquarters in the southern town of Qana with “pinpoint accuracy” just after dozens of Lebanese refugees had sheltered there. More than half of the 106 martyrs were children.

One really must have a heart of stone not to feel compassion for those children who became numbers on plastic bags and in some cases small body parts in carpets......"

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