Thursday, April 8, 2010

Russia Wins, US Loses in Kyrgyzstan Uprising: Experts


"The fall of Kyrgyzstan's government this week contains glints of a latent Cold War rivalry between Moscow and Washington and the Kremlin has won the latest big-power tussle, AFP quoted experts as saying Thursday.

Moscow has emerged from the riots which ousted President Kurmanbek Bakiyev with a strong partner in interim Kyrgyz leader Roza Otunbayeva, with whom Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin spoke by telephone on Thursday.

The United States and EU on the other hand, eager for access to a US airbase near Bishkek, hurt their standing by keeping silent over Bakiyev's increasingly harsh rule, said Alexander Cooley, a professor at Columbia University in New York.
"The US and EU are big losers today. Both have dampened their criticism of Bakiyev's political and corrupt governance practices [Does this sound familiar throughout the Arab world??]in the name of preserving stability in the country," he said.

The presence of the US airbase at Manas, which is used to ferry tens of thousands of coalition troops into and out of Afghanistan every month, has long been a point of contention between Moscow and Washington......"

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