Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Surprise, Surprise! The Whore is Willing and Ready.....Again....and Again....


"27/04/2010 Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Monday declared his willingness to work with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, adding that he hoped to get Arab League approval for indirect proximity talks on May 1.
"Try me," Abbas told Channel 2. "I say on behalf of the Palestinian Liberation Organization [what a joke!], that we are prepared for an agreement."

He said that US Middle East envoy George Mitchell had put forward "various ideas" on his recent trips to the region, and that the PLO would present its proposal to the Arab League on the first day of next month.

"We will submit everything that has been presented to us to the Arab Follow-up Committee on the first of next month and we hope there will be a positive response," he said, referring to the group of foreign ministers....."

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