Monday, April 19, 2010

Video: Lebanon commemorates 1996 Qana massacre by Israel

"April 18, 2010 — A former Israeli Knesset member has said he would lead an international push to try the Zionist regime and the White House as war criminals.

Azmi Bishara, accused by Tel-Aviv's leaders of spying for Hezbollah during the 2006 Lebanon War made the statement while touring south Lebanon.

He said Tel-Aviv and the United States would be condemned for the damage they caused to Lebanon during last year's war.

On his tour, he visited Kfar Qana where an Israeli air strike killed 29 civilians in the community center during the war.

Bishara called the attack on Kfar Qana the worst civilian slaughter since Deir Yassin in 1948, adding that these incidents made the "long-awaited agreement with the Zionist entity an impossibility."

In a speech Friday, Bishara praised Hezbollah saying it is now stronger than ever.

Bishara also condemned Israeli attacks against innocent Lebanese civilians during the fighting last year.

"The massacres that were carried out by Israel were not a coincidence but were a strategic policy to frighten people," he said.

He praised Hezbollah for its performance during the 33-day war last summer.

Bishara would be arrested immediately if he returns to occupied Palestine on charges of conducting espionage for Hezbollah.

Both he and Hezbollah have denied the accusations. He has said he is a victim of political persecution.

A Christian from the Israeli town of Nazareth who joined the Knesset [parliament] in 1996, he has frequently spoken out in favor of Palestinian rights. "

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