Tuesday, May 18, 2010

After banned by Israel. Chomsky to give Bir Zeit lecture by video from Amman

Chomsky will not try to travel through the Allenby Bridge border crossing a second time, after being turned back on Sunday.

By Danna Harman and Amira Hass

"Noam Chomsky has decided not to try to travel through the Allenby Bridge border crossing a second time. Instead, he will hold his scheduled lecture at Birzeit University by video conference from Amman. The lecture will also be broadcast live on Al Jazeera television.

Despite reports in the Israeli media that Israel would allow Chomsky to cross, the linguist discovered yesterday that there was no official guarantee of this. He told his hosts at Birzeit he felt the Israeli authorities were playing games. His daughter and friends, who are traveling with him, also said they prefer not to tire the 81-year-old with another fruitless journey......"

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