Sunday, May 23, 2010

Deja Vu All Over Again; Following the Fatah Footsteps!

Haneyya gov't invites Washington to direct dialog

"GAZA, (PIC)-- The Palestinian government of Ismail Haneyya has called on the American administration to open direct talks with it so as to obtain the true image about the Palestinian people and their cause[So, after all these years Washington does not have the true picture? Let me break it to you, genius: Washington is why you are kept in the biggest open-air prison!].

Ahmed Yousef [I suspect that he is an American asset, no different from Fayyad.], the foreign undersecretary, told a press conference on Saturday that premier Ismail Haneyya told a visiting delegation of the American Association for International Conciliation that Washington should lift its veto on Palestinian reconciliation in order to facilitate its conclusion [Please Washington, help Palestinian unity; that is the least you could do!].

He said that Haneyya told the delegates, political figures and university professors, that his government was not against the establishment of a Palestinian state on the 1967 borders with Jerusalem as its capital along with return of refugees and compensating them for their years of suffering and releasing all Palestinian prisoners.

Haneyya hoped that the American administration would seek an end to the siege imposed on the Gaza Strip for almost four years, Yousef said, adding that Haneyya also said that Hamas was interested in real political partnership with Fatah and other political parties and reiterated belief in democratic elections and peaceful exchange of power.

The undersecretary said that the American delegates tabled several viewpoints regarding Palestinian reconciliation and the peace process, adding that Haneyya sent message with the delegation indicating that the Palestinian people were seeking peace and security in the region.

The American delegation arrived in the Gaza Strip on Friday night on a 48 hour visit within its fact-finding tour in the Middle East."

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