Sunday, May 23, 2010

Don't Know Whether to Laugh Hysterically, or to Cry for the Pathetic Palestinian Condition. You Call These Leaders??

Fatah Threatens It May Resume ‘Armed Struggle' against Israel


(Left: The Fatah "revolutionaries" who will carry out "armed struggle.")

"23/05/2010 Fatah does not rule out the possibility of resuming an “armed struggle” against Israel if the US-sponsored proximity talks fail, a senior Fatah official said on Saturday.

Abbas Zaki, a member of the Fatah Central Committee and former Palestinian envoy to Lebanon, said that the Palestinians may also demand the implementation of United Nations Resolution 181, which was adopted in 1947 and recommends the division of the British Mandate of Palestine into two states with the occupied Jerusalem-Bethlehem area being under special international protection.

Zaki’s threat was made during an interview with the Jordanian newspaper Al-Ghad....."

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