Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Haaretz: Israeli Leaders Wish Mubarak Be Granted Immortality!


"26/05/2010 Under the title "For Israel's sake, let us pray for Mubarak's health," Israeli daily Haaretz said on Wednesday that both US President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu understand that Israel's most important ally in the Middle East is Egypt, and they are doing everything possible to keep it that way.

"Of all the world's statesmen, the one closest to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak," the Israeli daily claimed, noting that the two men have met four times since Netanyahu returned to power, "and unlike Obama, Mubarak has no qualms about shaking Netanyahu's hand in public." The Israeli daily quoted a highly placed Israeli source as saying that ties between Tel Aviv and Cairo are much closer than they seem....."

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