Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I Wish My People Would Learn

A Pathetic Piece by the Rabbit's Advisor

Of Scuds and Assassinations


"....I wish my people would learn from the organizers of the Freedom Fleet which will sail from Turkey on May 24 to break the Israeli blockade. Organizations from Turkey, Malaysia, Sweden and Greece will send ships carrying goods and educational and medical supplies and ships carrying at least 600 people. Where are the Arabs in this effort? [How about your own regime Bouthaina??] What are Arab businessmen doing to support their brethren in Gaza?

Some Arabs lost their international status and their regional role when they abandoned their people and the dignity and rights of their Arab nation [Because, just like your regime, all they care about is the survival of their illegitimate regimes.]. They should take note because the West, which believes in solidarity, does not respect those who deal with their brothers on the basis of division and fragmentation.

The West is right in considering those who act against their people not trustworthy. That is why those who imagine they are the West's friends live an illusion. The West cares only about itself and about its interests. So, why do not the Arabs befriend themselves and be true to their interests? I wish my people would learn how to unify their ranks even from their enemies. "

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