Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Indirect Peace Talks - Stalling for Time

By Abdelbari Atwan

".....These are futile negotiations intended to provide a cover for a US administration that might have good intentions but is unable to translate them into action on the ground. Perhaps it will be a great disaster when we find out that the main and true aim behind these negotiations is to provide a "cover" for an imminent Israeli aggression against Syria and Lebanon on the pretext of the Scud missiles [allegedly supplied by Syria to Hezbollah], which has apparently altered the balance of power in the region and which now threaten the entire existence of Israel.

Congratulations to the Arabs and to the follow-up committee on this great achievement of resuming indirect negotiations. The Arab foreign ministers showed unprecedented courage when they insisted on fixing a timeframe of 120 days for these negotiations. In our opinion, this timeframe is sufficient - if it was not decided beforehand - for Israel to complete its preparations for war."

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