Thursday, May 27, 2010

Israel never to achieve sense of security in the Middle East

Interview with Jennifer Loewenstein
Press TV

"US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told the influential pro-Israel AIPAC lobby group in March that "the dynamics of demography, ideology, and technology" in the Middle East was not working in Israel's favor, cautioning Tel Aviv that its status quo in the region was unsustainable.

Speaking on Tuesday on the tenth anniversary of Israel's withdrawal from south Lebanon, Hezbollah Secretary General Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah shared the views expressed by Clinton on the Israeli situation.

Nasrallah said, "If we are targeted, we target them as well. (If) we are killed, we can kill. (If) we are forced to leave our homes, we force them to leave their homes. (If) we are confronted, we confront them and so they will have a real problem."

Jennifer Loewenstein, Associate Director of the Middle East Studies Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison joined Press TV in an exclusive interview to comment on Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah's speech.

Jennifer Loewenstein: I think it is high time for the people in the US and the Israelis to hear it (Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah's speech). They (Israelis) provided the conditions that made such a speech necessary and possible. You know, yesterday was the anniversary of the withdrawal from Lebanon by the Israeli forces. I remember it very, very clearly. What I want people to understand is that these events did not grow up out of a void. The appearance and the emergence of Hezbollah did not just happen because of some vague circumstances. It happened because of the history of the region and in particular because of the occupation of Palestine and the Israeli invasions of Lebanon and a lot more.

Press TV: Do you think that the resistance is showing that they have been more successful than in the past, or they are showing more confidence?

Jennifer Loewenstein: Here, in the United States, we really got to hear Seyyed Nasrallah's speeches. We should follow this news. It is obvious that we only get the picture from one side. I have followed his speeches as far as possible. I remember when Lebanon was liberated by Hezbollah in 2000, a year before and a year after I listened to his speeches. I have to say that was a turning point in my mind and since then the resistance has not only gotten better and more skillful and I also think it has been winning the hearts and minds of the people in the Middle East, across the region, as far as I can tell, in almost every country. It is having an effect on the US public as well....."

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