Monday, May 24, 2010

Israel's complicity in apartheid crimes undermines its attack on Goldstone

To rubbish the former judge's report on Gaza, Israel has dredged up his record in South Africa – while forgetting its own

Gary Younge
The Guardian, Monday 24 May 2010

".....Finally, there is the insidious role that Israel has attempted to play as ideological gatekeeper for acceptable political behaviour among Jews. The attempt to tarnish any criticism of Israel, regardless of its merits, as unjust is untenable; to castigate them as un-Jewish is deplorable. "What saddens me today is that any Jew who speaks out with an independent voice, especially with the conduct of the state of Israel, is regarded as a self-hating Jew," says retired South African supreme court justice Albie Sachs, who is also Jewish. "Why should someone be made to choose between being a Jew and having a conscience?""

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