Sunday, May 9, 2010

Lebanon sets world record in Falafel

[Now War is definitely going to take place. Israel will not stay silent after this weekend humiliation at the Hand of the Lebanese 300]

BEIRUT — A day after firing a 10-tonne hummus broadside in a food fight with Israel, chefs in Lebanon weighed in with another first for a Guinness record on Sunday -- five tonnes of falafel.

More than 300 chefs mixed a ton of chickpeas with an equal portion of broad beans, adding onions, garlic, coriander, onion, pepper and cumin to concoct 5,173 kilos (11,381 pounds) of falafel, a deep-fried patty popular in Lebanon and many parts of the Middle East.

With a Guinness World Records representative at hand to record the feat, organisers said it was the first time any country had tried to set such a high-frying falafel record.

On Saturday, Lebanon claimed another victory in its continuing battle with Israel over which country can make the largest plate of the chickpea delicacy hummus -- with a 10-tonne platter.

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