Friday, May 28, 2010

Netanyahu: “Obama Failed to Subjugate Me on Settlements, I Triumphed”


"28/05/2010 “I triumphed over the US administration, I had the upper hand at the end of the rift that happened between me and President Barack Obama,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said during a closed meeting with high-ranking officials of his government, Maariv newspaper reported.

According to Maariv, Netanyahu indicated that his victory came after the US failure to subjugate him in the settlements issue adding that his resiliency on refusing to abandon the “red lines” helped him also. The Israeli PM went on to say that as a result of this ‘victory’, “Israel needs no expansion of the date of freeze on settlement construction” which expires at the end of September 2010.

Concerning Obama’s invitation to Netanyahu, Maariv considered it as “an unrestrained shift in US policy in Netanyahu’s benefit”. The newspaper quoted political sources as saying that the upcoming meeting “represents the peak of a campaign launched by Obama’s administration in favor of Israel and the Jews which would put an end to the crisis between both sides.”....."

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