Tuesday, May 25, 2010

PA collaborators Visit "Israel"

Palestinian police tour Jaffa neighborhood

Dozens of Palestinian Authority officers visit Tel Aviv district to learn about community policing model

Ali Waked

Published: 05.24.10, 16:12 / Israel News

Residents of Jaffa got to witness a rare site on the city's streets Monday, as dozens of Palestinian police officers visited the area for a tour by the Tel Aviv District Police to examine the possibility of adopting the community policing model in the Palestinian Authority.

The Israeli police officers took their Palestinians guests on a tour of Jaffa, during which they visited the Ajami community center and the Peres Center for Peace.

The Palestinian officers learned from their Israeli counterparts of the police's work in Israel, and then dined at a local restaurant.

Despite the attempts to bring the parties together, the Palestinian officers did not befriend the Israelis and each of the parties ate its lunch separately. [Comment: who are these traitors fooling?]

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