Sunday, May 30, 2010

Picture injured person with blood on life vest #Gaza #flotilla

By Ali Abunimah

Aljazeera showed this footage of what appears to be an injured person with blood on their life visit. Only information available is what is in the picture.

Pictures: Israeli helicopters and gunboat attacking Turkish ship Mavi Marmari in Gaza #flotilla....

Screenshots of Israel assault on Turkish ship #flotilla.....

1 hour ago "We have critically injured people here, we need help" #flotilla #gaza....

URGENT: Turkish TV: Israel attacks Mavi Marmari, 2 Dead, 30 injured #Flotilla #Gaza.....

"Based on the caption of this screenshot from Turkish TV, I can understand the following:

Aid Mission Intervention
Israel attacks Mavi Marmari ship
2 Dead, About 30 injured

People are shouting "we need help""

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