Saturday, May 29, 2010

Surprise, Surprise! The Son of Another Arab Dictator Getting Ready to Inherit the Regime of His Father; They OWN the Country!

Gaddafi the younger looks to consign Libya's pariah status to the past

Saif Gaddafi, son of the Libyan leader, has engaged a New York PR firm to present the face of a modern reforming state

Ian Black, Middle East editor, Friday 28 May 2010

".....Saif, 37, is the face of modern, reforming Libya, emerging from its long years as a pariah state to become a dazzling mecca for western investment, with a reinvigorated energy industry, billions of dollars in cash reserves, a re-opened US embassy, and even plans for mass tourism.

Gaddafi junior has no formal position in the Jamihiriya – the "state of the masses" – but he is an energetic champion of change who has a finger in most pies in Libya, as well as jet-setting friends such as Britain's Lord Mandelson. It is widely assumed that he will one day succeed his father, although he insists he is a democrat.....

But it is clearly hard for him to escape that giant shadow. "Muammar al-Gaddafi is not just my father," said Saif. "He is the father of the nation. We cannot do anything without his approval. He is not against reforms – he has been very supportive. Without his support nothing will happen.""

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