Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Turkey Rejects Israeli Deal on Gaza Sail


"25/05/2010 Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth reported Tuesday that Israel tried to prevent naval conflict between its occupation forces and peace activists sailing to Gaza by propositioning a number of states to transfer humanitarian aid equipment through its territory instead, but Turkey objected.

Ten boats carrying food, clothing, and construction materials to residents of the Gaza Strip left Monday from a number of countries participating in the 'Break the Siege' sail. Some 700 activists on board intend to reach Gaza by Thursday.

Israel pressed some of the participating countries to cancel the sail.

The Zionist entity propositioned Turkey to transfer its humanitarian aid equipment to Ashdod, from where it would be taken by the UN and international organizations into the Strip, under Israel's supervision.

In exchange for transferring the equipment to Gaza, Israel asked that Turkey call off the sail to the Strip, however the latter rejected the offer....."

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