Thursday, June 17, 2010

Canada: Israel's new defender

Muted support for Palestine, funding cuts for Arab groups, now a ban on the phrase 'Israeli apartheid': what's going on in Canada?

Jesse Rosenfeld
(Jesse Rosenfeld is the editor of, an English on-the-ground news and analysis site. Currently based in Jaffa he is a Canadian journalist working in Israel/Palestine), Thursday 17 June 2010

"At a time when many countries are becoming more critical of Israel's policies, Canada seems to be moving in the opposite direction. A general reluctance to engage in open debate about the Palestinian issue is exacerbated by pro-Israel groups' efforts to shut down discussion and the federal government's unprecedented penchant for defending Israeli actions.

Since the beginning of 2010, the federal government has systematically cut funding to Arab-Canadian organisations and to UN relief works in Gaza. In March, the Ontario provincial legislature issued a unanimous condemnation of Israeli Apartheid Week, while the federal government considered introducing a similar motion....."

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